Tuesday, April 22, 2014



This is what defines a woman today.
All the debates and how she’s portrayed,
Centre around the look she parades,
And the man whose arm she beautifully decorates,
As her body and beauty to the world she displays.
But in reality, it’s only Her and Her Self that she’s betrayed.
Of course, the Muslim Woman is not excluded from this debate,
For centuries she’s been an important figure
A representation to hate,
An image once beautiful
That’s passed through
So many hands,
Twisted and handled until it fits
The demands of the time,
And the commands of power,
Trying to ensure no one understands
That it’s by choice and
Out of love for the Almighty
That she veils her beauty,
Guards her modesty,
And that the hijab she wears is a
Not a symbol of antiquity but
A Crown of dignity,
A rejection of the
Rigidity of society,
Of its lack of sobriety and
The vast impropriety that
Runs riot throughout the world,
That demeans the Woman,
Fools the Woman,
Ruins the Woman
And annihilates her real worth
Amongst the raging debates and shouting on either side,
The Muslim Woman stands in the middle and she’s denied
Her voice,
As anything she says is brushed aside,
She’s silenced,
Like a mute,
She’s forced to stand and follow suit,
Unable to refute what’s being said,
To clear up all that pollutes and dilutes her worth,
And as the bitter debate carries on, she’s pulled,
By Culture to the left,
Modernity to the right,
Each giants of today’s world,
Each with such a might
That there’s no end in sight
To this surreptitious battle,
To this malicious fight.
They claim to be fighting for what she wants,
For what she’s really worth,
But the reality is,
She’s more than they know:
She’s more than a Beyoncé a Christina Aguelira,
An Angeline Jolie, a Charlize or a Shakira,
And they say they’ll give Her freedom,
But that’s just a farce!
When they shackle her to the present,
To the dire status quo,
So much so
That she thinks this is It,
And she’s made it big time,
That she has control over
Her body,
And mind
But all she’s doing is
Slowly choking in the chains,
Becoming numb to her
Deep wounds,
Her pains
As she focuses on her material gains,
And being easy on a man’s eye,
Being oblivious to the lies,
Whilst running the rat race, keeping up with the pace in the chase
For the fool’s prize,
Trying to satisfy herself,
To avoid her demise.
As she’s enticed deeper and deeper into the marketplace
Where all the counterfeit gold is sold to both the young and the old
Ensuring she keeps all that she already holds,
She doesn’t have time
To stop,
To think.
She doesn’t have time to stop and think,
To rub her eyes, to refocus and blink
So she can see clearly through this mirage
At what was gifted to Her,
The image that was painted of Her
So fully, so carefully,
Not missing a single dot or stroke,
1400 years ago by the Beloved Muhamamd sallalahu alaihi wa salam
Who came to liberate from this oppression,
From the world and its yoke,
She can’t see This Light behind those deep dark stains that emanated
From the Qalam, from the Pen.
But slowly the brilliant light
Starts to shine through,
And as it hits her eyes
She slowly starts to see the lies,
She starts to get tired of the debate,
The fashion and the heels,
The makeup, as she recognises it’s true beauty that it conceals,
The race and the chase,
And of the accusations and the labels
But now it’s time
For those heavy tables to turn,
For her to take a stand,
And to fulfil her capacity as Allah planned.
So she looks to That Light
Which she now clearly sees,
It shines so bright, so brilliantly,
Spreading the signs,
As it redefines her existence,
And gives her assistance along the way,
And as she journeys, she discovers the she has to break away to find the key
The key to the Woman that she wants to be,
Not, as the world is telling her,
A Beyoncé, or a Christina Aguelira,
An Angeline Jolie, a Charlize or a Shakira,
But rather
A Khadija, an Aisha, a Fatima and a Rabi’ia
A Maryam, an Nusaybah, an Amrah, and Asiya!
(Radhi Allah ta’ala anhoma, may Allah shower them with blessings)
So as she learns to break the chains which constrained and detained her,
She sets out on her journey following the Light and great women before her

via removeimmodesty

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